You may also like: DIY Teeth Whitening Toothpaste My punishment for lying was no TV for a few days as and it was very traumatic for my 5 year old self, But I did learn my lesson. Then he went and checked my toothbrush and knew I was lying because it was dry. My dad asked if I had brushed my teeth one night and I said yes. My mom and dad were upset and started cracking the whip in the tooth brushing department. I had gone to the dentist recently and been informed that I had 3 cavities. The first time I got grounded was when I was in kindergarten and it was because I lied about brushing my teeth.

I remember when I was little I hated brushing my teeth. She’s been to the dentist a few times for checkups with no problems or cavities and I’d like to keep it that way. I created a fun free Tooth Fairy printable set for the fairy's first visit to our home. I wanted to make the Tooth Fairy’s first visit to our house fun and magical and also use it as an opportunity to keep her in the habit of good oral hygiene. Chloe was working that wiggly lower tooth all day before it fell out at school