Sims 4 error code 102 fix cats and dogs patch
Sims 4 error code 102 fix cats and dogs patch

sims 4 error code 102 fix cats and dogs patch

  • All pets up for adoption are either kittens or elders.
  • Households that have pets up for adoption cannot be evicted, split up, made active household, etc.
  • Male pets that are adopted or purchased keep their last name ‘Horse or Dog’ instead of changing to the family name of the Sim household as the women do.
  • Pop-up about becoming BFF’s with the animals although there are no relationship changes.
  • Problem involving play fetch and celebrities.
  • Cats don’t put toys back into the toy box.
  • Cat looses playful trait when playing with the wall dancer.
  • Can’t bring kittens in the car to community lots.
  • Mess-up with the “Best in the Show” pet competition.
  • Kittens can’t be brought up on the elevator.
  • Changing anything on an animal, makes them not pure breed anymore.
  • Kittens get into pet beds, they hang off the edge instead of actually in the bed.
  • Missing have Fun option on my Cat so laser can’t be used.
  • Mark as favorite sleeping spot doesn’t take priority.
  • Horses can’t play with the training ball.
  • “Training Fatigue” moodlet even when he hasn’t been training.
  • Foals spontaneously appearing and disappearing.
  • Box stalls when butted up against each other will occasionally say they are being used if the stalls next to them are occupied.
  • Horses try to enter houses, public bathrooms, climb steps etc to get to Sims or other pets.
  • Electronic Safeguard Gates don’t let horses through.
  • Can’t direct a foal to sleep in the stall.
  • Missing interactions, traits, un-rideable animals, wants, un-removable saddles, stretchy animals and LTW.
  • You can buy carrots, but cannot be planted and you can’t see them.
  • Sims able to cook dog food and then the food is stuck in their inventory.
  • Meaning you don’t have The Sims 3 Pets, just the patch/update. IE: stretching, sniffing, cat vomiting, dogs digging holes, dog walking, sitting down, etc.
  • Animals stretch doing certain interactions.
  • Sim’s pet teleports outside of the map.
  • To turn off the cheat type testingcheatsenabled false in the command console.].
  • After your pet is done learning the skill you can turn back to dynamic needs doing the same thing.
  • sims 4 error code 102 fix cats and dogs patch

    Hold down your shift key + click on the mail box.Type testingcheatsenabled true in the command console.Riding skill is only gained after dismounting the horse.Patch causes spiral staircasesto work improperly.Objects in home or on map aren’t working correctly.Any solution I come across will be highlighted in red.

    sims 4 error code 102 fix cats and dogs patch

    If you have a solution to one of the problems on this list, also leave a comment, they’re very much appreciated. If you’re new here then the rules are as follows, you have an error, glitch, or whatever that’s not listed here, please leave a comment. That may be caused by mods, patches, etc with possible solutions. Here are a list of glitches, bugs and errors for The Sims 3 Pets. It took me a minute but I finally got around to it.

    Sims 4 error code 102 fix cats and dogs patch