Just in case DMs using this article have already run through the riddles, this update will add five additional riddles for them to use, bringing the total to 20. Giving players ample time to solve a riddle is a great way to give the party a chance to rest in the middle of a lengthy dungeon crawl. Riddles are a great tool for DMs that want to add a little flavor to their adventure but not one they want to over-use (like traps). Updated on June 2, 2023, by Jeff Drake: Dungeon Masters can never have enough riddles on hand while managing an adventure.

RELATED: Cursed Items In D&D That Are Totally Worth It Here are great riddles that a DM can use to challenge a party. While the answer to these riddles is usually spoken, the answer can also be a physical object presented to whomever or whatever is asking the riddle. This is often the best way to challenge an experienced party that has gotten used to winning fight after fight. One of the best alternative challenges is to give the party a riddle to solve in order to advance the campaign. In Dungeons & Dragons, there are many ways a DM can challenge the party besides pitting them against ever stronger or more numerous enemies. MaPuzzle & Dragons Guide Fasca Team Building Guide Fasca Team Building any team building suggestions returning after a long break and lost Wanting to return to puzzle and dragons Azathoth the Guard Breaker (Pls bring TE buff or hope for Persephone to appear).